Sophisticated control of recycling separation technology with BHS Control Systems

November 2020

The reference at a glance


Controlling separation technology in a recycling plant for incinerator bottom ash


Plant control based on Siemens software SIMATIC TIA Portal and WinCC.

Operating site





Recycling plant for incinerator bottom ash


Development of the overall concept and step-by-step implementation of new industry-specific plant control systems based on Siemens SIMATIC TIA Portal and WinCC.

From incinerator bottom ash to metal concentrates ready for sale: At a Danish recycling company, the sophisticated sorting process to make this happen runs almost autonomously thanks to a control system from BHS Control Systems. Implemented as a prototype, this project turned out to be a resounding success: Ever since commissioning, the control system has been running to the customerā€™s complete satisfaction.

Incinerator bottom ash consists of a range of different components. Among other things, it contains valuable metals and minerals. However, recovering them requires sophisticated sorting technology. From screens and overbelt magnets to air separation tables: Only perfectly orchestrated sorting technology delivers pure end products. Towards this end, a recycling company in Denmark has been using a control system from BHS Control Systems in their separation technology area since 2017. At the beginning of the shift, the various sorting machines start up automatically one after the other at exactly the right time. If malfunctions occur during operation, the software makes it easy to pinpoint the location within the complex system where the problem originates. This enables employees to resolve problems quickly and without guesswork.

BHS Control Systems developed the overall concept for this, including the required software and a suitable control cabinet. The open, scalable SIMATIC TIA Portal and WinCC software from Siemens, into which PLC controls of individual machines can be integrated, forms the base technology of the control solution. The process visualization and user-friendly operating concept enable the machine builder or operator to easily make individual settings themselves.